The Zannier family has always strived to add a human and environmentally friendly dimension to each of its activities. More than a philanthropic approach, this is a concrete approach that is essentially based on the notions of transmission; cultural transmission, heritage, and know-how.
This commitment is reflected in a number of projects, often carried out discreetly, which contribute in a sustainable way to promote, share and improve the living environment of local populations.
For example, in Cambodia – where the family has developed one of the country's most beautiful resorts – the group helps two orphanages through the "Zannier Foundation" headed by Sophie Zannier. The family also works in fishing villages in the province of Phu Yen in Vietnam, providing English classes.
In Europe, the family is involved in the preservation and restoration of historical buildings, such as the revamp of the former “Hotel des Postes et Télégraphes” (Post Office) in Ghent (Flanders).
In Namibia, the family has acquired 7,500 hectares of savannah, now converted into a sanctuary for wild animals. Supervised by the Naankuse Foundation, the Zannier Reserve by Naankuse hosts more than 180 animals, a veterinary clinic for elephants and rhinos, and employs an anti-poaching team of a dozen rangers. The foundation – like Zannier Hotels Omaanda – also helps to perpetuate the culture of the San, an indigenous tribe.